Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Nineteen Minutes - Jodi Picoult

I thought this novel tackled an important issue, but I didn't like the narrative style -the way the point of view shifted so often. I like the twist at the end, but I thought it was predictable. I felt Josie's pain when she mourned Matt, and I sypathised for Peter's mother. I was torn between wanting to support Peter, and wanting to punish him. It depended on whose POV I was privvy to. I guess Picoult is showing us that there are always two sides to each story.

The topic itself is scary. I am a teacher, so this opened my eyes to a few things about schools and individual students, and I appreciate this from the novel.

I always like reading court scenes, and Picoult is great with that, as we know. I think she must be commended on her raw, realistic portrayal of character, and the way she peels the layers of a story and in so doing, she helps us recognise our own shortcomings.

Where do your values lie?


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