Friday, July 13, 2007

In the Woods - Tana French

Giving up on Picoult's "Nineteen Minutes" (too annoyingly multi-POV [point-of-view]), I have begun my FIRST EVER crime novel, "In the Woods." This is an intriguing story. Unfortumately, however, I am finding the same problem with any crime novel I've tried to read: it's written badly. There are far too many broken, interrupted clauses that I forget what the sentence is about. Please, write simple sentences; use punctuation properly!

Anyway, I will persevere, because this is a book we're doing for our mum's group reading circle (I like the term 'circle' because it sounds much more D&M).

I reckon the protagonist and narrator, Adam/Robert is a hunk! I don't know why. He just is. A bit annoying, but sexy. And I am hopeful of a romance between him and Cassie, his force partner. I really like the story; I really like the setting; and I like the characters. The whole murdered child thing is completely off, but I like the mystery of the children who go missing in the woods etc.

So, I'm, like*, up to page 100, so don't give anything away. It's quite depressing that I'm only 1/5 the way through. I'll write a better review when I'm finished...

* Sorry, I've caught this terrible bug from my students, where, like, you write how you speak? Except I don't even speak like that? I've just, like, caught the way they write?


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